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What to sow in March


Here is my research of some of my favourite YouTube growers for what to sow this month so you don't have to. Plus I've included a couple of bonus guides at the end - Ben from How to Grow on celery as that is something I haven't grown before, Steve from Green Side Up on his take with decades of experience in growing tomatoes and Ben again with flowers to feed your pollinators and in some cases the soil!

I love Dan, and included here are some top tips on how to warm up the ground before sowing, what to do if your peppers get leggy, and when to prick out your cabbages.

I am a big fan of Moshi's informal chatty approach and here what I am definitely going to do is put fresh tilthy compost down when I am planting seeds outdoors - yes for the seeds but also for knowing where I've planted seeds. As I am trying keyhole planting this time - so kinda planting in round beds in a sundial fashion, this will be particularly helpful for me. Also if you are considering the more exotic options he covers gourds and passion fruit.

And here is one of my favourites Liz from Bythefarm with a great reminder for successional sowing and seeds we can get in the ground now.

Get a cuppa for this one. Depending on your age this is like having a chat with your dad or granddad. In this video Steve shares how to still have tomatoes right up to December and using side shoots which I'm definitely having a go at this year.

I'm sharing Ben's video here as celery is something I haven't grown before so will be following his tips as I embark on my first celery sowings.

And again back to Ben for what flowers to sow and grow both perennials (which appeal to me) and annuals to attract the pollinators and beneficial insects to our veggie patches.

I'm a bit late in getting this one out so I'll do a separate update of what I'm sowing this month and I'll do an update on what I sowed and what happened to sowings I did last month.

Happy lottie plotting and planting people.


Auntie G


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