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Lottie Journal - how do you do yours?

In one of my last blogs I put some links from Erica's Little Welsh Garden and Steve from Green Side up. (link here). Erica was asking what people's one allotment goal was - I noticed Liz Zorab from BytherFarm mentioned she wanted to get better at keeping an allotment journal, and Steve in part of his video talked about quite a detailed journal. Now I'm not quite at that level yet!!

Last year I just wanted to record stuff but had no real structure so it was all a bit messy and haphazard as I was trying to find a way of recording stuff. I recorded mostly what I did but it was nice to see that on my first allotment visit I met Mr Brown (Sam) who gave me such a warm welcome. Happy memories to revisit too.

This year I want to be better at understanding how much I am growing (to learn from for next year), have an idea when things start and finish cropping (haven't quite got my brain round that one not done a full growing year yet), and be able to plan better succession planting and interplanting from learning the lessons this coming year.

I'm also moving from oblong beds to key hole planting beds. So this is what I am going to try for 2022.

You may notice dandelions are included - I'm going to leave them now as they come up as they are an important source of food for the bees early on, also they are very good for chop and drop composting as they have a good tap root which brings up nutrients from lower down in the soil.

Some visitors of 'self-growers' are not recorded. Meet my new funky fungi friends



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