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2021 The Work Starts

2021 updates from the creation of the new beds, arrival of the mini polytunnel, building of the first compost bin, laying down and planting the new beds.  Building and planting the asparagus bed, and the new brassica cage (and yes I know it is too big!).  

What I don't have pictures (but I do have a video - coming later) of what the plot was like when I returned in March.  The two beds that I had prepared with the cow manure had some couch grass coming back but with half an hour of weeding that was sorted.

With the brassica cage I had been given some netting and found some conduit cable being given away on a wall - so wanted to see if I could make a housing for my brassicas at no cost.

I've put descriptions to most of the pictures so please click on the pictures for the full story.  

TOP TIP -  If you click on the first picture you can scroll your way through the writings for each of the pictures.

If you are revisiting and want to see what happened next click below.  AND if you are a first timer to my site, firstly welcome, and  secondly there is  a link at the bottom so you can see what happened next. 

20210626 Up the plot
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